Motor Vehicle Valuation Report

Report Date (Sunday) 27 October 2024 at 08:43 AM
Ref. NO. REF-20241027-095018

Inspection Details

Inspection Date (Sunday) 27 October 2024
Inspection Time 08:43 AM
Place of Inspection Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Vehicle Inspected By Shahem Team

Vehicle Details

Brand Logo
Brand Jeep
Model Name Wrangler Unlimited
Model 2008
Engine 6 Cylinder 3.6L
Origin Amercan
complies American
Max. speed 160
Chassis Number 1J4GA59138L600374
Type Of Body SUV
Used For personality
Transmission Automatic
Fuel Used Gasoline (Petrol)
Wheel Drive All Wheel Drive
Seating Capacity 5
Unladen Weight 1800 Kgs
Laden Weight 2500 Kgs

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On-Board Diagnostics (OBD)

Expected feature life of the vehicle 17 Years
OBD (From DashBoard) 174000 KM
Average (From DashBoard) 6960 KM/YEAR

The average number of kilometers a car travels in a year varies depending on factors such as the type of vehicle, driving habits, and the location. However, general guidelines for annual mileage are as follows:

Personal Cars (Regular Use): On average, a person drives between 12,000 to 20,000 kilometers per year. This is considered the standard for personal vehicles used for daily commuting and typical errands.

Commercial or Long-Distance Vehicles: If the car is used primarily for business or long-distance travel, it may exceed 20,000 kilometers per year.

Cars with Limited Use: For cars that are used less frequently, such as for occasional trips or seasonal use, the annual mileage may be as low as 5,000 to 8,000 kilometers per year.

Note: These figures can vary depending on factors like urban living (in big cities, people may drive less and rely on public transport) and personal driving style (those who drive longer distances may have higher mileage).

Vehicle Accessories and Features

SunRoof Yes
Audio Player Yes
Upholstery Yes
Seat Covers Yes
Power Window Yes
Power Steering Yes
Crash Guard No
Sunroof Yes
Alloy Wheels Yes
Leather Seats Yes
GPS Navigation No
Bluetooth Connectivity Yes
Number of keys 1
Reverse Camera No
Parking Sensors No
Remote Start No
Heated Seats No
Remote Keyless Entry No

Internal Systems Check

Air Conditioner works well
Tire Validity Acceptable life expectancy
Sound Horn Not working

signs on the dashboard

Engine Management


Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)

Accident If Any

Number of Accidents :-     2

Car Condition Outside

Damage    Paint

DTC Report

1. P0128 - Coolant Temperature Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature
Cause: The engine coolant temperature is too low. This might be due to a faulty thermostat.
Repair: Replacing the thermostat.
Estimated Cost: AED 300 - AED 600 for parts and labor.

2. P0456 - EVAP System - Very Small Leak Detected
Cause: A small leak in the evaporative emission control system.
Repair: Finding and repairing the leak, which might involve the gas cap or a hose replacement.
Estimated Cost: AED 200 - AED 500 for parts and labor.

3. P0037 - Heated Oxygen Sensor 2, Bank 1 - Heater Control Circuit Low
Cause: A malfunction in the oxygen sensor heater control circuit on Bank 1.
Repair: Replacing the faulty oxygen sensor.
Estimated Cost: AED 350 - AED 700 for parts and labor.

4. P0058 - Heated Oxygen Sensor 2, Bank 2 - Heater Control Circuit High
Cause: A malfunction in the oxygen sensor heater control circuit on Bank 2.
Repair: Replacing the faulty oxygen sensor.
Estimated Cost: AED 350 - AED 700 for parts and labor.

5. P2181 - Cooling System Performance
Cause: Cooling system is not performing as expected. Likely due to a faulty thermostat or radiator issues.
Repair: Inspect and repair the thermostat, radiator, or coolant circulation system.
Estimated Cost: AED 300 - AED 700 for parts and labor.

6. P0440 - EVAP System - Malfunction
Cause: General malfunction in the EVAP system, which may require component replacement or testing.
Repair: Diagnosing and replacing faulty components in the EVAP system.
Estimated Cost: AED 250 - AED 600 for parts and labor.

7. P0218 - Transmission Over Temperature Condition
Cause: The transmission fluid has reached a high temperature, possibly due to a low fluid level or cooling system failure.
Repair: Check and replace transmission fluid or fix the cooling system.
Estimated Cost: AED 200 - AED 500 for parts and labor.

8. C123F - ABS System Fault
Cause: A problem with the ABS system, such as a malfunctioning sensor or damaged wiring.
Repair: Inspect and replace ABS sensors or repair wiring.
Estimated Cost: AED 400 - AED 800 for parts and labor.

9. B1B06 - Body Control Module Fault
Cause: A failure in the body control module which can affect electrical functions like lighting.
Repair: Replacing the body control module or troubleshooting wiring.
Estimated Cost: AED 500 - AED 1000 for parts and labor.

10. C151C - TPMS Fault
Cause: A problem with the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS).
Repair: Diagnosing and replacing the faulty TPMS sensor.
Estimated Cost: AED 150 - AED 400 for parts and labor.


Market Value as on Date of Inspection (Rs.) 30000 AED - 45000 AED
Approximate Maintenance Cost (DTC Report) : 3000 AED - 6500 AED
Approximate value of each accident : 800 AED - 1300 AED
Evaluating the value of the car according to its condition : 26200 AED - 37200 AED


Note :

This Report Issued Without Prejudices.

This Valuation Has Been Done Based On The Vehicle Condition At The Time Of Inspection.

This Valuation Has Been Done Based On The Vehicle Condition At The Time Of Inspection.