Switching to dark mode
Switching to light mode
This inspection checks the condition of the vehicle's exterior, including the body, paint, and any visible damage or signs of wear.
A check to identify any visible issues or faults in the engine from the outside, such as leaks, damaged components, or signs of wear.
This report provides details of any accidents the vehicle may have been involved in, both inside and outside the UAE.
A diagnostic test that connects the vehicle to a computer system to check for any electronic or mechanical faults that may not be visible externally.
An estimate of the repair costs for any faults or errors that were identified during the computerized diagnostic check.
A report estimating the current market value of the vehicle, taking into account its age, condition, and current demand in the market.
This includes checking the interior components such as the air conditioning, seats, dashboard, and other important interior features for any damage or issues.
A list of the car's features, such as safety systems, entertainment systems, and additional features like sunroof, leather seats, etc.
A report that provides the exact age of the vehicle, including the year of manufacture and other relevant details about its history.